Demolishing a building takes far less planning, resources, and effort than constructing something sustainable. As long as safety precautions are covered, destruction is relatively simple. The construction processes, building and destroying, teach a universal concept that applies to ordinary life. Destruction is easier than construction

Building something strong and enduring takes hard work, sacrifice, discipline, and time. There are no shortcuts for creating something exceptional, whether it’s a relationship, marriage, business, brand, or team. With our expectations being programmed to expect instant gratification in the modern era, not many people have the drive or focus to build something substantial. 

Instead of putting in the work, people would rather destroy other people’s establishments because it’s easier to tear something down compared to building up your own empire. Things like character defamation, rumor spreading, and relationship penetration attempts are bombs thrown to cause destruction. Attempts of this nature occur on a personal and professional level. 

Unfortunately, negative and destructive news is contagious. There is a reason communication platforms are more likely to share unfavorable information about individuals and organizations over positive news. From a business perspective, negatively influencing the perception of a competitor by spreading reputation-damaging information is a strategy for demolition. 

In recent months, Meta (Facebook) attempted to knock down TikTok by hiring an Ad Agency to develop and share false news to slow the growing platform’s daily users. As a social media giant, Meta realizes it’s easier to cause harm to TikTok instead of rebuilding the Facebook platform to attract users because it takes more time and effort. 

When you reach a pinnacle personally, relationally, or professionally by building something great, people will take long strides to knock you down to their level. The average person doesn’t have the capacity to craft and execute a blueprint to build something sustainable. Often, when people have nothing to lose, they will do anything destructive to detonate their target. 

There will be many different attempts by many people to make you tumble. So, if you have built or find yourself building something great, it’s wise to be aware of people’s destruction attempts. Being deeply rooted in who you are and what you do helps withstand any blow. Having a solid foundation is the core of any sustainable establishment. 

When you are targeted, the best reaction is building higher, allowing the wind to mute the whispers of naysayers and allowing wrecking balls aimed at you to ricochet off what you have created. Additionally, you must protect your empire by allowing the right people to have access. All buildings require maintenance and upkeep. Your establishment is no different. Keeping destructive people on the outside will allow your enterprise to be sustainable.