Adults are recommended to rest for 8-10 hours per night because of the many benefits of being fully rested. Although it is impossible to argue against this science-backed notion, sleeping 8-10 hours per night is not feasible if you want to become successful. Every human has a fixed amount of time on this earth to accomplish their dreams and aspirations. Therefore, the amount of time we sleep must be variable.


If you are working a standard 8-5 pm schedule and raising a family, you don’t have much spare time to work on your vision if you want to maintain a full sleep schedule. Each day is only 24 hours, so if you spend 8 hours working and 8 hours sleeping, that leaves you 8 hours of freedom. The reality is, this is not enough time to accomplish your goals once you factor in preparing dinner, working out, and other extracurricular activities.


The only time variable we have to pursue our dreams is sleep. Success often requires sacrificing sleep to gain more time each day. You must understand that we all have the same 24 hours per day – the difference is how we use our free time. Late nights and early mornings are common prerequisites for success. Are you willing to make the sacrifice?