Millions of people are sucked into the comparison vortex daily. According to Statista, there are 4.2 billion active social media users worldwide. The unfortunate reality is that social media has created a fabricated reality that negatively influences how people think, behave, and live.

Back when popular news channels controlled the media coverage platforms, only the people they aired were in the spotlight. Since apps like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube have caused a power shift, they have enabled users to create their own spotlight.

With billions of users, individuals have accumulated millions of likes, views, and followers on these platforms. The possibility of a high volume of attention has caused people to seek significance and popularity through social media. People are comfortable with making self-sacrificial decisions to fabricate a lifestyle. Social media has allowed people to live in a false reality.

Nowadays, people are finding validation from social media popularity. It is all about impressing people with a fictional narrative. Most people don’t realize falling into the cycle of constantly desiring to impress others is emotionally driven. It feels good emotionally to attract attention and stun people with our belongings and accomplishments; however, logically, making decisions for other people’s validation is unsound.

People will accumulate debt, self-inflict financial stress, and damage their overall well-being to impress others. If you think logically about becoming a part of the comparison vortex, people that are engaged in the comparison trap are positioning themselves for long-term failure. If you want to be successful in the future, you must avoid the path of least resistance.

When you increase your self-awareness, you realize living within your means supports your long-term health. While your peers compete materialistically, you recognize that they can never out-purchase compound interest. In other words, avoiding the comparison vortex means living your life based on personal values. The best thing you can do is run your race at your own pace. Avoid being sucked into the whirlwind of competition; the comparison vortex.